Thursday, August 1, 2013

They should never make another Superman movie again.  Ever.  Man of Steel is hands down the best Superman ever made and a good candidate for the top ten super-hero movies of all time.  Seriously, after a much more sinister version of General Zod, plus an entire brigade of super-powered Kryptonians (or is it Kryptonites?), who would be the villain in the next Man of Steel?  Lex Luther?  Albeit, his mirror-shined bald cranium and overall size and stature (but, only in the comics, anyway), may appear daunting to us mere mortals, what sort of threat could he pose to ol' Supes?  I'm reminded of a line from, The Last Action Hero, in which Danny tells Schwarzenegger, "This is a sequel, it's supposed to be harder."  Or, something along those lines.  No matter what diabolical scheme Lex hatched, I really don't think it would prove any more challenging than the ferocity with which Zod and his minions fought to preserve the survival of their people.  Here's another thing, no Kryptonite.  The writers changed it so that the Man of Steel's vulnerability was to Krypton's atmosphere, not Kryptonite.  What I don't understand is that if Superman doesn't breath (he can go underwater and into outer-space), than why would Krypton's atmosphere have any effect on him at all?  Plot-holes. 

I've heard that in keeping up with Marvel Comics (which will be releasing X-men:  Days of Future's Past, more Avengers sequels, plus making an Ant-Man movie), DC is trying to bring about Justice League films, and solo movies with the characters that comprise such a heroic squad.  They're also finally making a Batman/Superman move.  Both Christopher Nolan and the guy who did Man of Steel (I can't think of his name right now), will be working on it together.  I don't know if that means they're writing it together, producing it together, directing it, or what.  Just that they'll be working together on it.  All the actors from Man of Steel will be in the new cross-over movie, but there's no word on what things will look like from Batman's side of the lawn.  Will Joseph Gordon-Levit take up the Dark Knight's cape and cowl, as the ending of The Dark Knight Rises, suggested?  Or will some insidious force bring Bruce Wayne out of retirement?  Time will only tell.  I'll say this, if they do manage to pull off a Batman/Superman movie, it will either stand triumphantly at the top of the list of great super-hero adaptations, or be one of the biggest flops ever made.  Christopher Nolan, guy whose name eludes me, don't disappoint us fans.

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