Tuesday, August 6, 2013


What does POD stand for?  Payable on death?  Prince of darkness?  Pants on the drier?  Provincial outsourced-downsizing?  On the internet, it stands for: print on demand.  But, why would one feel the need to print on demand?  Peer pressure?  Fear of being ostracized?  Who in their right-mind would pay over $30 to buy a book they could own for free, or download for $0.99?  I, personally have only read (or, is it red?  God, the English language is utterly exasperating), a handful of books more than once.  Most of the time it seems redundant, like writing one's name in already yellowed snow.  According to periodical evidence, most recent books are printed on demand.  Why?  Do publishers no longer believe in the authors in which they invest?  More importantly, is it impossible to build a legion-like fan-base without publishing hardcopies?  Sure it is.  Look at every movie you've ever seen.  Was there a hard-bound copy of that movie before it was reproduced for commercial use?  Highly unlikely.  Regrettably, things don't work the same as they do in the world of cinematography as they do in publication.  No one knows who you are until some dime-store-charlatan comes along and makes a cheap adaptation of your work.  Or worse, you are already one of those people who contort masterfully crated words-men-ship into Hollywood hokum.  In which case, my heart goes out to you.  Where was I going with this?  I don't know.  It's well-past the witching-hour, and I'm more-than-properly besotted.  Oh, that's right.  What does POD stand for?  I don't know.  But for now, I'm gonna claim that it stands for:  "Piss-off, damn-it!"

P.S.  I'm not telling anyone or anything to piss-off.  I just hear the letters P O D and think, "Piss-off, damn-it!"  Try saying that sometime.  You just might like it.  

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