Sunday, August 25, 2013

New Batman

For the love of God, please, someone tell me that Ben Affleck is not going to take up the cape and cowl.  Don't get me wrong, Mr. Affleck has great charisma and stage presence.  But he can't act.  He either plays a condescending douche-bag, or his usual, Joe-everyman-reluctant-hero-type-self.  I'm sorry, but playing one of two characters is not acting.  Just because you're good looking and can memorize dialogue doesn't mean you should automatically receive the leading role in a block-buster-hit.  Ryan Reynolds, I'm talking to you.

Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself.

As I said, Mr. Affleck typically plays one of two roles -- every time. 

Consider this, when you're depicting the Dark Knight, you're not just playing a character, but two.  Bruce Wayne, stands tall, proud.  He's audacious, and speaks in an assuaging  voice.  On the other-hand, Batman broods, skulks, and speaks in such a fashion as to get the bad-guys quavering in their boots.

Yes, it's true Mr. Affleck can play two different roles, but neither would do the caped crusader justice.

I've heard the Hollywood tripe that both Mr. Affleck and Dark Knight director, Christopher Nolan, assure fans that they know what they are doing, and that after such a disastrous flop as, Daredevil, Mr. Affleck is more selective of roles.  If that's true, than I and seven-thousand-fans-and-counting are wrong.

DC comics, Hollywood producers, dais actors, forgive my bluntness, but you are fucking up.  You struck gold with the Dark Knight Tribology.  And after sour reviews of Superman Returns (which, I actually liked), you bounced back with Man of Steel [See previous blog:  They should never make another Superman movie again...]  And now you're going to tie the two together with an entirely different Batman, and an entirely different story-line?  Really?  Unless you start with Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character being bludgeoned to death in the streets, and bring back Christian Bale (which would be an entirely different Batman movie), I don't really see this working.  Especially if this is supposed to be a Man of Steel sequel.

Please, don't ruin a good thing.

Why don't you just do what Marvel's been doing, and pave the way for a Justice League trilogy?

I remember a time when the customer was always right.

8,000-fans-and-counting disapprove of Ben Affleck taking up the cape and cowl.

I sincerely hope you Hollywood hoop-la writers know what you're doing.        

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