Sunday, November 10, 2013

Death to dreams

I don't dream like most people do.

My dreams are detailed, and extremely vivid.  Often, I've passed out after a night of partying, only to dream that my night continued.  Then I awake the nest morning (or afternoon), attempting to recall how much of the previous night's events actually took place.

Sometimes, I'm aware that I'm asleep.  When this happens, I'm able to do anything my mind can think of.  I can shoot fire (or ice), from my hands.  I can float, hover, melt into water, or even become invisible.

Unlike most people, I remember my dreams vividly after waking.  I experience physical pain, and often great wells of sadness in my dreams that sometimes cause me to awake in tears.

Sometimes I even die in my dreams.  When that happens, I simply wake up.  As absurd as it may sound, I sometimes wonder if that's what will happen when I actually die.  Maybe I won't go to Heaven or Hell.  Maybe there's no limbo or eternal lingering until the Second Coming.  Maybe I won't be reincarnated, or reborn.  Mayhap, one day, I'll just die and wake up in another world, as if awaking from a long and vivid dream.

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