Saturday, October 19, 2013

Curse Words

It's true.  It's finalized.  It's legit.
Cursive is no longer being taught in public schools.  As for private institutions, time will tell.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.  At first I thought, "That's ludicrous.  Yet, another fine example of our tax dollars at work that seem to dissipate into thin air."

But, what-with modern publishing relying on technology, and Luddites fearing learning that cursed script; do people need to know cursive?  The short answer -- yes.  How else are you going to sign your name?  With an X?  I shudder at the very thought of the repercussions of such lethargic penmanship.

Does anyone still write in cursive?  Hell yeah.  I do.  All the time.  In fact, I, like most writers, have notebooks chock-full of scribbled and scrawled glyphs only discernible to me.

Think about this, if you had a diary (the contents of which you wanted to remain private), then wouldn't it benefit you more if the only one who could read it was you?

Instead, most people hurl their most intimate cerebrations into hyper-world-wide-main-stream fodder, and should be so lucky as to have their peers pass over their posts, pix, and selfies in ennui.

Leonardo DiVinci wrote backwards, up-side-down, in loops, broken pieces scattered among notebooks, and encoded.

And yet, we think we know all of his works?

...sorry.  Was I rambling again?

Anyway, what do I think of schools no longer teaching cursive?

I predict in ten years, handwriting will be nerdy.  But not in the cool way.  In fifty, only the elderly shall posses such skills (if their arthritic hands manage).  Something the Neo-punks poke fun at.  I bet they'll even have some slang term that associates the decrepit with cursive.  Something like, "Look at the ol' scribbler, (scrawler, or scripter).

All I can say for those poor souls no longer receiving their right-due-proper education we all were granted as youths, (unless your parents step in), "I know something you don't know.  Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nahh."

Seriously people, is handwriting something we really want to become a dead language.  What if our beloved grid goes down?  

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